top 10 smartphone brands in the world 2018 q3

top 10 smartphone brands in the world 2018 q3

When was the last time you dialed a number you did not have to dial? Say for the doctor, or to ask a favor, or the insurance, or something like that. When was the last time you called someone just to say hello? To find out how they are, what they've been up to. To have a good old wholesome chinwag.

top 10 smartphone brands in the world 2018 q3

Think of someone you love, admire, appreciate. Could be your mum, your sister, a good friend, a fellow SAHP – how good would it make you feel if you just called you to say that you're wonderful? Now go and BE that person, and feel a little less alone. 4. Read a book – I know this one can be a little difficult with multiple children, but if you are still in the sweet bliss of one-child phase, then this can work, and it can really help.

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Sometimes our own reality gets us down. It's the truth. Some may not like to admit it, but being a Mum of two demanding little girls sometimes makes me feel empty, a little hopeless, kinda ugly and totally exhausted. There.

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I said it. Would not it be nice to step into another world for say, 20 minutes? Pretend you're someone else for a little while? Walk in someone else's shoes, find out something you did not know before; make yourself completely vulnerable to the emotions of an enchanting tale? I personally love it. And even finding 10 minutes of my day to take the time to read about something other than [what is sometimes] my own mundane life, really relaxes me, and often puts things into perspective too. 5. Keep in touch with your partner – a short text, a little code, even just an emoji over Google hangouts.

top 10 smartphone brands in the world 2018 q3

top 10 smartphone brands in the world 2018 q3 - A Spotlight On Essential Factors In smartphone

That little contact with your partner in life and creation of the little Angels you are responsible for – it can really help remind you that you are not alone, and that the hour when your partner will return will ever come, and the world probably won 't end before that hour. 6. Time things wisely – now I'll admit straight off that this does not always work out. My life is not perfect, and neither are my children, and either am I for absolute sure. But there are some sweet days, when I am able to time my baby's first nap just after her and her older sister's bath and then older sister is relaxed and able to play alone for a while, and I can sneak off for a shower ALL ON MY OWN. And then, if the day has actually been laced with gold I am able to time baby's second nap with older sister's TV time and ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING. ON MY OWN. Unfortunately, these days are few and far between, and I am most often willingly trying and failing to make 10-minutes-to-myself happen while running from one need child to the other wondering if there will ever be just a moment when I am not needed! 7. Interactive play – one you might not have thought of peeps; PLAY WITH YOUR CHILD!

And I do not just mean nod, and mumble and agree every now and again while you try to fold washing and pair socks or tidy up around you, which I know we are all guilty of. I mean: Put it all down. Forget the chores, forget the errands, forget all those things that can wait. When you are feeling the most low and lonely, reach out to the closest person to you; your child. Get lost in Lego! Be Pirates with toilet paper tubes and DIY eye patches, throw the cushions on the floor and jump from one to the next pretending to avoid the quicksand, dance like a fairy, sing Wind the Bobbin Up at the top of your lungs and LAUGH.

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