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"THE SINISTER, SCARY IMPACT OF MALAYSIA AIRLINES FLIGHT MH370" The Sinister, Scary Impact of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 The events and issues surrounding the loss of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has created a suite of scary and sinister concerns for international travel, mobility, security and risk managers as a result. Many do not yet understand the full implications this event will have on the world. The issues range from technology deficiencies, crisis management, capable threat sources, s reporting to aviation security and management. Also a few issues we examine here that will also impact the future of travellers and managers alike.

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For those charged with the preparation and management of people and assets affected, this will assist you in your analysis and future planning. Many more people are now looking at all the associated issues now, some for the first time. What the world now knows about a number of related issues they once took for granted or simply did not have the interest in, now concerns them immensely.

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Rightly so! Technology Deficiencies: Airplanes Vs Smartphones If aeroplanes were cars, most people wouldn’t’ buy them. An alarming number of aircraft are 10, 20, 30 years or more old that are still servicing commercial and domestic routes. The technology available on most aircraft is much more dated than last year’s smartphone technology, including emergency communications and monitoring systems. Not to mention the lack of international integration for those that have better, more capable technology solutions. There is a common misperception that aviation technology is evolving at similar rate to commercial technology as seen in computers, phones, cars, and so on. When in fact, this just isn’t the case at all. It is not just the aircraft that is dated but also the supporting systems such as radar, communications, reporting and access to databases as well.

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While the assumption is that it all works just fine, when there are no incidents or scandals, it is often not a topic of discussion or concern until one or more incidents occur and many more become aware of what industry insiders have been aware of and lobbying to change for some time. Coincidence and Causation: Lag indicators are not future assurances 2012 and 2013 were celebrated as two of the safest years in aviation history. The problem with this fact is that the end result isn’t qualified nor specified as the result of deliberate actions that created the outcome or if it was just a series of random coincidences the peaked during these times. There are more airlines, more flights, more destinations, more pilots, and more travellers each and every year, which is placing significant burden on all the associated elements in different ways, at different times with vastly different consequences. The reality is, despite recorded incidents and data, aviation health,safety, security and risk management is not 100% controlled and incidents and events will and do happen, with often catastrophic results.

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Airspace Management: World access and 100% monitored? They average layman is under the impression there are super computers tracking every air movement across the globe and all centrally accessible, verifiable and accurate at any moment in time.

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