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So when I first got the XL400, I put the needle in which ever way it allowed me to, which happened to be the wrong way. So the automatic threader wouldn’t work at all. Some pressure feet wouldn’t work, either. I finally had a light bulb come on and realized that I might have the needle in wrong. Remember: Flat Back-the flat side of the needle faces towards the back. Hint: Hold the thread with your left hand as you push down the threader and hold the other end of the thread with your right hand.

Strange as it is, my favorite feature on the XL400 is the speed control. When embroidering a design, you can set the speed from very slow to very fast. I normally set it about 1/3 between slow and fast. If it is too fast, the design does not come out as well-there’s a lot of bobbin thread that comes up. Cons: Editing and autopunch software isn’t included with the basic software as it did with the CE250.
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You have to purchase it separate and it’s quite expensive. It isn’t compatible with the CE250 software, so if you already have all the software from CE250, it still won’t work with it. You have to repurchase it. I use a free program for my editing, Stitch Era Universal. It is very clanky and loud when the hoop moves on high speeds. I wish it was quieter for when I am embroidering late at night when everyone else is sleeping.
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Of course if I’m embroidering during the day, it’s no problem. Message System is not very reliable. It beeps at me constantly when there is no thread break.

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I have a thread net and spool cap for my thread, which used to fix the problem with my CE250, but it doesn’t seem to make much difference with the XL400. When it is not even close to running out of bobbin thread, it will beep, but when I completely run out of bobbin thread or the top thread breaks, it doesn’t beep until after at least 8 stitches have past after the break, but the good s is that you CAN go back by pushing the back button on the machine. Push it until you get to where you want it to start sewing again, then press the start button.
Hint: Sometimes all you need to do is tighten or loosen the thread and it will stop beeping. Hold the thread with your fingertips very loosely until it stitches for a while without beeping, then you can let go. Also, check to see if the thread is tangled around the thread holder. Thread holder is not firm.
The thread cannot stand upright. If it does, it gets pulled and wound up around the holder. Hint: Place the large spool pin cap upside down toward the top of the thread holder, place the thread on it, making sure it fits all the way on the holder, then place another smaller spool pin cap on the other side of the thread.
Would Improve if it Had: A feature that would really improve this, other than the above mentioned, would be an automatic thread cutter, as the Quantum Stylist 9960 has. Otherwise, you are wasting a lot of thread because you have to pull the entire hoop off before you can cut it. So if you are taking it off just to check the bobbin, you have to either rewind the bobbin to save that thread that you have just pulled up, or you waste it. Overall, the machine is pretty nice. Other than the above problems mentioned, this would be the perfect embroidery machine, within this price range. I have not even used it as a regular sewing machine because I have my Quantum 9960 for that. When I had the CE250, it was the only machine I had.
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