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And they want even more. Latitude, a Massachusetts consulting firm that rees how information and communications technologies can be used to improve consumer experiences, discovered in a 2010 study of food shoppers that 56 percent of shoppers wanted more product information, such as food origins and ingredients, from the stores they frequent, and 30 percent of the respondents wanted that information delivered to their mobile phone. “What this study tells us is that having access to information in real-time-at those critical decision-making moments-is often the missing link between intent and action,” says Neela Sakaria, Latitude vice president. Smartphones = Savvy Consumers Although QR codes are not (they were developed in Japan in 1994 and appear on everything from beer cans to buses around Asia), they are only now starting to hit Mainstream U.S.A. QR codes require a web-enabled smartphone to decode, something not all consumers use. But that is changing.
According to a comScore MobiLens report from last July, one in four Americans now own a smartphone and that is on a continual upward trajectory. The Nielsen Company has similar astounding statistics: as of Q3 2010, 28 percent of U.S. mobile users had smartphones, and of people who acquired a cell phone in the prior six months, 41 percent chose a smartphone. Nielsen predicts that by the end of 2011, there will be more smartphones in the U.S. market than standard feature phones. And lest you think those smartphone users are all teenagers who are not your core audience, the comScore report showed that smartphone penetration is highest among persons age 25-34 with the second highest group being age 35-44. In addition, Nielsen reports, two-thirds of today’s smartphone buyers are personal users.
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“U.S. consumers increasingly view their mobile phone as their go-to device for shopping and managing their lives,” says Peter A. Johnson, vice president of market intelligence for the Mobile Marketing Association (MMA). In a study conducted last October, the MMA found that 59 percent of mobile consumers had planned to use their mobile phone for holiday shopping and planning celebrations. Knowing the Basics The technology and desire to make QR codes popular is definitely there. So how can retailers and other small businesses leverage this exciting marketing tactic to their advantage?
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Let’s start by learning the basics of 2D bar codes. Two-dimensional bar codes (also called matrix codes) come in various designs. The two most prevalent in the market today are the QR codes mentioned above and a similar format developed by Microsoft called Microsoft Tags.
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The codes used in Country Business are Microsoft Tags. Microsoft Tags are proprietary in that they can only be read by a Microsoft Tag Reader. However, the Tag Reader is free and easy to download and the tags themselves are free to create.
Microsoft Tags can also be rendered in black and white or color and can also be d or branded. Microsoft Tags can also be made smaller than other QR codes and, according to Microsoft, are more readable under non-prime conditions or by inferior phones. Microsoft also makes the whole process easy to use and allows organization and analytics of your various tags. Scanning a Microsoft Tag can open a website, send a text message, place a phone call or add contact info to your address book.
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